Is Your Smile Aging Your Face?

When you look in the mirror, do you focus on the fine lines and wrinkles that frame your eyes and mouth and then complain about how they make you look older? Sure, smoother skin will give you a more youthful look, but do you realize how much your smile contributes to the appearance of your face? An unhealthy-looking smile can age you just as much as wrinkles and sagging skin.

Delaying Dental Treatment: ALWAYS A Bad Idea, And Here’s Why

Did we recommend a dental treatment for you or a loved one during your last appointment, and you have yet to schedule your appointment? Perhaps you don’t need dental treatment, but when was the date of your last oral hygiene examination and cleaning? We know life is busy and time can get away from you, but it is important to make your dental health a priority. With summer right around the corner, we would hate for you or a family member to experience a dental emergency or complication that could have easily been avoided. Read on to learn more about the importance of being diligent about your oral health.

We Love Hearing From Patients Like You – Patient Review of Dentures

At Smiles by Holsinger & Higgins, we are nothing without our patients. We love when we hear from our patients, and they give feedback about a treatment they received. We recently had the pleasure of receiving a letter from one of our patients. She visited Dr. Holsinger, and he restored her oral health with dentures. Be sure to read her words in the attached letter. As you can see, she is so grateful for the dentures she received and feels like her life is changed. It can be a frustrating feeling when you are not able to eat properly and are unhappy with the state of your teeth and oral health. This patient is now able to smile confidently and eat what she chooses.

A Permanent Solution To Improve Your Smile

A healthy smile should last a lifetime, but sometimes that smile needs a little help. For numerous reasons, people find themselves missing a tooth (or teeth). Not only can a missing tooth lead to embarrassment, it can also lead to long-term health issues. Fortunately, there are procedures, such as dental implants, that can bring back that beautiful smile for good.