When Was The Last Time You Came In For An Appointment?

We know that life can be overwhelming sometimes; some things fall through the cracks when life gets busy. One thing that should never get lost in the chaos is making sure you come in for your semi-annual dental exam. This email is a friendly reminder to give us a call and make an appointment for your next dental exam. Continue reading to learn more.

Learn How We Detect Unseen Threats In Your Mouth

We know you’re diligent about brushing, flossing, and getting regular dental exams. Yet, despite all your efforts, there is still a chance you will become one of the 80% of adults over the age of 35 with some form of gum disease. Even more concerning, you may be harboring harmful bacteria in your mouth without even knowing it. Keep reading to learn more about these invisible threats and what you can do to protect yourself.

April Is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

You may not realize it, but dentists are your allies in preventing and detecting harmful oral cancer. Oral cancer does not get the publicity other types of cancers do, but it is no less insidious, as it affects the lives of thousands of people in the US every year. Your dentist is specially trained to look for signs of oral cancer and can be essential in detecting it early, while it is most treatable.

A Guide To Dental Care Over 60

As we get older, our oral health needs evolve. Our bodies become less effective at fighting off infection, it may take longer to recover from illness, and the risk of chronic disease begins to increase. Those are just a few of the reasons why we urge our patients to pay close attention to their teeth and gums as they age. Keep reading for our guide to caring for your oral health as an older adult.

A Common Menopause Symptom No One Is Talking About

Menopause is a time when hormones fluctuate wildly and cause a variety of physical symptoms. As women enter menopause, they may experience sudden changes that affect not only their bodies but their oral health as well, including one symptom that they may not immediately connect to menopause: dry mouth. Continue reading to learn more about the connection between menopause and dry mouth.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Do you find yourself experiencing tooth sensitivity regularly? It is not uncommon to feel slight discomfort from time to time if you bite into a cold ice cream. However, if you notice that you feel discomfort each time you eat something hot or cold or when you brush your teeth, you may be experiencing a problem with your oral health. Tooth sensitivity is one of the warnings your teeth give off to alert you that something isn’t right with your oral health. We want to share what can cause tooth sensitivity:

Can Problematic Teeth Affect Your Overall Health?

At Smiles By Holsinger & Higgins, one of our goals is to help our patients improve their oral health. Not only can problematic teeth affect your oral health, but they can also lead to complications with your overall health. We highly encourage our patients to visit our office for routine hygiene examinations and cleaning appointments because we are thorough in checking for any signs of decay, gum disease, or other problems. It can be difficult to spot problems with the naked eye, but using X-rays and our dental knowledge, we are easily able to find problems with your teeth and gums. Once we diagnose a problem, we recommend that patients schedule their treatment appointments as soon as possible.

Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup Today To Avoid Holiday Hassles

When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due for a visit. With the end of the summer and schedules picking back up, now is the perfect time. It is best to schedule an appointment now before the hustle and bustle of the holidays begins. We would hate for you or a loved one to experience a dental emergency and need treatment during the holiday season. The longer you go between appointments, the greater the chance you have of experiencing dental problems. Read on to learn more about the importance of receiving routine dental care.

We Have A NEW Test That Could Change Your Life!

We are constantly looking for ways to improve the treatments we offer to patients. We believe in treating the patient as a whole and don’t just focus on a patient’s oral health. After dealing with the pandemic, more people than ever before are concerned about what’s going on in their mouths and bodies. They want to learn about any threats to their health and well-being. Recently, we have added a simple way to test for a number of conditions that can affect your quality of life. Continue reading to learn more about this simple test and what it can determine.