Are These Habits Harming Your Teeth?

For years, we have been sharing tips and tricks to help you care for your oral health. We have explained that an overabundance of sugar is harmful to your teeth and gums. We also hope you know about the importance of thoroughly brushing your teeth twice daily as well as using dental floss every day. You may be surprised to learn that certain things you may do without realizing it are causing harm to your oral health and may eventually lead to discomfort or a dental emergency. Continue reading to see if you need to change one of these habits:

Medications And Oral Health

At Smiles By Holsinger & Higgins, we not only care about our patients’ oral health but their overall health as well. You may be surprised to learn that your overall health can impact your oral health and the way we need to treat your mouth during your appointments. This is one of the reasons we ask about any changes to your medical history during each visit. Different medical conditions and medications can change the way we have to treat your mouth and may change what we are looking for during your examination. In addition, certain medications can have a negative impact on your teeth and gums.

What Are You Waiting For?

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe that summer is over. Before you know it, the holidays will be here again, and we will be celebrating the start of another new year. Would you love to improve your smile to enjoy during the upcoming holiday season? If so, now is the perfect time to learn about treatments we offer and how they can change your smile. Depending on your desires, some treatments may take more than one appointment to complete and some healing time may be required. Interested in learning how we can help your smile? Read on to learn more about these treatments.

Watching TV And Oral Health

Do you enjoy watching TV shows on a streaming service? As of late, there seems to be an endless amount of streaming services that you can join as a subscriber. With everyone home during the start of the pandemic two years ago, binge watching shows became a pastime to do with your family while there were no other entertainment options. The same mentality has continued each time the new season of a popular series is released. You might be wondering how this has anything to do with your oral health. Unfortunately, for some, binge watching TV can have negative effects on your oral health.

Dental Crowns Demystified

Have we recommended a dental crown treatment and you have postponed scheduling it due to nerves? Even if we haven’t recommended a dental crown treatment at this time, there is a chance that you or a loved one might need the treatment in the future. An unfamiliar treatment makes some of our patients feel uneasy, so we want to take a few moments and explain more about this common treatment that can be used to restore and improve your oral health. Continue reading to learn more.

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Do you notice your gums appear to be bleeding after you brush and floss your teeth? It is more common than you probably realize. Most people likely experience this from time to time. Most of the time, it is nothing to be concerned about. It can happen if something becomes stuck between your teeth and makes the area sore, for example if a kernel becomes lodged after eating popcorn. The problem arises when the gums continue to bleed daily, indicating there is an underlying issue that needs to be corrected. Some possible causes of bleeding gums can include:

Cosmetic Dentistry To The Rescue!

Do you look longingly at people with beautiful teeth and dream you could have their teeth and smile? We are here to tell you that we can help make any change to your smile you would love to see. Thanks to the updates in dental technology over the past few years, we are able to offer a number of cosmetic dental treatments to our patients. The summer is the perfect time to put a plan into action. Some treatments can be completed quickly so you can enjoy the results during the remainder of the summer, while others may take longer with results that will be ready to show off during the upcoming holiday season. Interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry and the treatments we offer? Continue reading to learn more.

Benefit Of Adult Orthodontic Care

Would you love to straighten your teeth but feel that you are too old to start treatment? We are here to tell you that there is no age that we think is too old to improve your smile and your self-confidence. Orthodontic treatment is not the same as you may remember from your youth. The days of bulky traditional metal braces being the only option are long gone. At Smiles by Holsinger and Higgins, we are proud to offer a variety of orthodontic options to our adult patients.

The Facts About Tooth Sensitivity

We are so excited the summer season is a few short weeks away! After a long winter, we have been enjoying the spring weather and are looking forward to the hot summer days full of fun and relaxation. On a hot summer day, there is nothing quite like eating some ice cream to cool off. Would you love to enjoy ice cream but find yourself cringing due to discomfort in your teeth? You are most likely suffering from tooth sensitivity. While it is common to experience tooth sensitivity on occasion, repeated occurrences are a warning that there may be a problem with your oral health. Continue reading to learn what your mouth may be trying to tell you.

Dental Trends To Avoid

With the popularity of social media, it seems that trends are continuously popping up, and people are eager to try them all. Beauty, cooking and home decor trends are always fun to try because, for the most part, if it doesn’t work out, there is no harm caused. The problem with viral trends is when they can negatively impact a person’s health. There have been some trends over the years that offer a promise to improve the appearance of teeth or overall wellness but can cause lasting damage. If you are unhappy with the state of your oral health, we know there can be some intrigue in trying one of the trends you may see. While it might be tempting to give these ideas a try, we are here to tell you that pretty much every trend you see on social media related to dental health is not a good idea. Here are some dental trends to avoid: