Are These Habits Harming Your Teeth?
For years, we have been sharing tips and tricks to help you care for your oral health. We have explained that an overabundance of sugar is harmful to your teeth and gums. We also hope you know about the importance of thoroughly brushing your teeth twice daily as well as using dental floss every day. You may be surprised to learn that certain things you may do without realizing it are causing harm to your oral health and may eventually lead to discomfort or a dental emergency. Continue reading to see if you need to change one of these habits:
Habits to Stop Today
Some of us may have habits that aren’t very healthy, but some habits can cause serious harm to your oral health and lead to the need for treatment. These are some of the harmful habits that can negatively affect your teeth and mouth:
Using Your Teeth as Tools
If you do not have the right tool handy, it might seem convenient to use your teeth to rip open a package, tear off a tag, or open a bottle or can. Using your teeth in this way can cause your front teeth to chip and crack. It is wise to take a moment and find the proper tool.
Biting Your Nails
Not only can this habit cause your front teeth to wear prematurely and possibly chip, but biting your nails also introduces harmful bacteria to your mouth and body. Biting your nails can also lead to mouth sores, such as canker sores.
Snacking Throughout the Day
Each time you eat, bacteria are introduced to the mouth and can linger on and between your teeth. Over time, this bacteria can lead to issues with decay and cavities. It is best to eat at set mealtimes and avoid snacking between meals or grazing all day.
If you are in the Denton, MD area and are concerned that any of these bad habits have already caused damage to your teeth, please call our office to schedule an appointment. We can work together to come up with a dental plan that is right for you and your needs. We look forward to seeing you soon!