The Importance Of Caring For Your Oral Health When You Aren’t Feeling Your Best
Now that we are well into the fall season, we know that many of our patients are enjoying activities and outings with their families. It is also the time of year when people start coming down with seasonal illnesses. The past few years have taught us a lot about taking precautions when we aren’t feeling our best, but you might not be aware that there are certain precautions you need to take with your oral health as well. While we hope all of our patients remain healthy during this time, occasional illnesses are always possible. If you should happen to fall ill, you should make some changes to help your oral health.
How to Care for Your Mouth When You’re Sick
Properly caring for your oral health can help your body fight off an illness and eliminate the potential for it to quickly return. We hope that you find these tips helpful:
Clean Your Teeth
We know that it can be difficult to do anything when you aren’t feeling well. You may not have the energy to clean your teeth, but it is extremely important that you do. When we don’t feel well we tend to drink more sports drinks and sodas. All that extra sugar needs to be cleaned from your teeth.
Replace Your Toothbrush
Toothbrushes carry a number of bacteria, and after you have been sick, it’s best to throw out your toothbrush and use a new one. You don’t want to reinfect yourself.
Use Sugar-Free Cough Drops
If you have a cold or allergies and find yourself coughing, it’s common to reach for a cough drop. Be sure to choose a sugar-free option since it will be in your mouth for an extended period of time.
We kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling under the weather. If you are feeling healthy and are concerned about the state of your oral health, or it has been longer than six months since your last visit, we encourage you to call our office located in Denton, MD to schedule an appointment. We wish you health and wellness during the remainder of the fall season.