What To Do In A Dental Emergency

Unfortunately, dental emergencies can happen at any time, so it is good to be informed about what you should do if you are in this situation. The most important thing to remember when it comes to any form of emergency is to remain calm and think clearly. If you get excited and emotional, you will forget important steps. Following an emergency, you should evaluate and assess the needs of the injured, whether that’s you or someone else.

The Future Is Here!

Dentistry is constantly evolving and changing, and because of that, we are always looking for new and improved procedures and equipment that we can use and that will raise the level of care we can provide our patients. This is one of the reasons we are passionate about attending continuing education events and adding new technology to the practice when it is available. We recently added a new piece of technology known as the Fotona Lightwalker Dental Laser. Continue reading to learn more about how this dental laser will make procedures faster, more precise, and less invasive.

Caring For Your Oral Health Through The Stages Of Pregnancy

Are you or a loved one planning a pregnancy, currently expecting, or recently had a baby? The arrival of a new life is an exciting time and full of planning and preparation. Between all of the doctor appointments, preparing the nursery, and planning for a baby, it can be easy to forget about your oral health. However, dental care before, during, and after pregnancy is a must.

Taking Care Of Your Teeth In 2023

We know that life can be extremely busy for many of our patients. There always seems to be something going on, whether it’s a work event, a family obligation, time with friends, and the list goes on and on. Now that the craziness of the holiday season has passed and we are into the new year, it is a perfect time to evaluate the state of your oral health. When was the last time you and your loved ones visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are definitely due for a visit! Read on to learn about why regular oral hygiene examinations and cleanings are a must.

We Love Hearing From Patients Like You – Patient Review of Dentures

At Smiles by Holsinger & Higgins, we are nothing without our patients. We love when we hear from our patients, and they give feedback about a treatment they received. We recently had the pleasure of receiving a letter from one of our patients. She visited Dr. Holsinger, and he restored her oral health with dentures. Be sure to read her words in the attached letter. As you can see, she is so grateful for the dentures she received and feels like her life is changed. It can be a frustrating feeling when you are not able to eat properly and are unhappy with the state of your teeth and oral health. This patient is now able to smile confidently and eat what she chooses.

Give The Gift Of Dental Health

December has arrived, which means that we are in the thick of planning for the holiday season. Nothing is more exciting than finding the perfect gift for your loved ones during this special time. It can be a difficult task to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. While it may not be your first thought, there are a few dental gifts that would be perfect for your friends and family, and we know they would feel nothing but joy to receive them. Sometimes the best gifts are the most useful ones. Read on to learn more about these dental gift ideas.

Health Issues Linked To Oral Health

At Smiles by Holsinger & Higgins, we are not just passionate about your oral health, but we care deeply about your overall health as well. Your mouth is considered the gateway to the body. This means that bacteria of all kinds are constantly entering your mouth and, therefore, your body. Bacteria can be on the food you eat, if you bite your nails, and if you breathe in harmful fumes, such as cigarette smoke. One of the best ways you can keep harmful bacteria at bay is to maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine. Unfortunately, the longer harmful bacteria remains in your mouth, it can negatively affect your overall health. We want to share three health issues that can be impacted by the way you care for your oral health.

Is It Seasonal Allergies Or Something Else?

The fall season can be a nightmare if you suffer from seasonal allergies. You may experience frequent headaches, ear discomfort, or pressure in your sinuses and your face. To help with these symptoms, you may visit your medical practitioner who will prescribe a medication that should help alleviate these symptoms. Did you know that these symptoms you are experiencing may be caused by another condition? There are a large number of adults who are misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all for a very common condition that can cause tremendous discomfort and lead to serious complications with your oral and overall health. Read on to learn if you may be suffering from this common condition.

The Importance Of Caring For Your Oral Health When You Aren’t Feeling Your Best

Now that we are well into the fall season, we know that many of our patients are enjoying activities and outings with their families. It is also the time of year when people start coming down with seasonal illnesses. The past few years have taught us a lot about taking precautions when we aren’t feeling our best, but you might not be aware that there are certain precautions you need to take with your oral health as well. While we hope all of our patients remain healthy during this time, occasional illnesses are always possible. If you should happen to fall ill, you should make some changes to help your oral health.