Schedule Your Next Dental Checkup Today To Avoid Holiday Hassles
When was the last time you visited our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, you are due for a visit. With the end of the summer and schedules picking back up, now is the perfect time. It is best to schedule an appointment now before the hustle and bustle of the holidays begins. We would hate for you or a loved one to experience a dental emergency and need treatment during the holiday season. The longer you go between appointments, the greater the chance you have of experiencing dental problems. Read on to learn more about the importance of receiving routine dental care.
Importance of Routine Dental Care
The summer is a time when we seem to live a carefree lifestyle. We know many of our patients have been traveling, spending time with loved ones, and simply enjoying a more relaxed way of life. With outdoor cookouts, traveling, and other summertime fun, we know that it is easy to relax your oral hygiene routine a bit and make choices that may not be great for your oral health. Some of our patients experience a rise in decay following the summer. If you need an oral hygiene appointment, now is the perfect time for a visit. We can thoroughly clean your teeth and ensure you do not need any dental treatments. We would hate for your summer fun to lead to complications during the upcoming holiday season.
Unfortunately, dental decay does not heal on its own. It will continue to progress until you get dental treatment. This is one of the reasons some patients experience a dental emergency. When decay or another problem is not treated in a timely fashion, the problem progresses until either the discomfort becomes unbearable, a tooth breaks, or something even worse occurs.
We want to help you and your loved ones avoid experiencing a dental emergency. Be sure to contact our office to schedule your next oral hygiene examination or recommended treatment. If you are unsure when you should visit, we will be more than happy to help! We look forward to seeing you in our office, which is located in Denton, MD, soon.