Important Reasons To Care For Your Teeth As You Age
There is a common misconception that older people typically end up with some form of tooth replacement such as dentures. Thanks to endless images of older adults with gummy smiles, many would believe that to be true. The real truth is that your teeth are designed to last a lifetime. Dental enamel, the outside covering of your teeth, is the strongest substance in your body. If you care for your teeth by maintaining proper oral health, you can live your life with no dental health concerns. Although, as you age, it becomes even more important for you to maintain your hygiene examinations every six months as well as continue to clean your teeth properly. We want to share some oral symptoms that you should be mindful of as you age.
Side Effects From Medical Issues
There are times that our bodies do not handle aging well and some patients experience medical issues that might need ongoing medication. There are medications that are not friendly to your oral health and can cause teeth to become discolored and the enamel to soften, leading to decay. Medications can also affect the health of your gums and cause irritation and bleeding.
Dry Mouth
There are over 500 medications that list dry mouth as one of the side effects, so more likely than not, you will experience dry mouth at some point during your lifetime. Dry mouth occurs when there is a lack of saliva in the mouth. It can lead to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. We suggest adding extra water to your diet as a way to help increase saliva production.
Gum Issues
More than half of American adults suffer from gum disease. A very large percentage of those adults are over 65. As we age, the tissues in our body become thinner and the bones begin to weaken. These changes can greatly affect the health of the gums and can cause the teeth to begin pulling away from the gums, increasing the chance of losing teeth.
If you are located in the Denton, MD area and have not visited our office within the past six months for a hygiene examination, we would love to see you. As always, if you are experiencing any form of discomfort in your mouth, please call our office as soon as possible so we can ensure there are no issues. Wishing you health and happiness this summer!