A Few Success Stories We’d Like To Share With You
Everyday we see how dentistry transforms people’s lives. While many patients just come in for their regular cleanings and exams and don’t encounter dental issues, there are patients who have conditions that cause pain or affect how they chew food. Then there are patients who wish they could change the look of their teeth and are embarrassed to smile. We are happy that we are able to use our dental skills and technology to improve their teeth, restore their dental health and boost their confidence. We’d like to introduce you to some of these patients.
This young woman was the granddaughter of a patient of mine. She’d had orthodontic treatment years earlier, but her upper retainer had broken and her teeth started to shift out of alignment. In addition, she lost an upper front tooth causing the other teeth to shift even more. She was unfortunately embarrassed about her smile.
She had the benefit of being able to get several treatments done at our location. We laid the foundation with gum treatment and restoring cavities. We then used orthodontics on her upper arch for 3 months to get her teeth properly aligned. We added a natural looking porcelain crown and bridge work to restore the missing tooth. The result: she can’t stop smiling now!
This patient did not like the look of her front teeth as they were chipping and getting shorter. She felt they made her look older. Her ultimate goal was to have a long-lasting solution for her smile.
We minimally prepared her four front teeth using dental bonding to give them a rounder and more feminine look. She loves her smile makeover.
This patient was a retiree and couldn’t chew because she had lost all of her back teeth. As a result, her remaining teeth were spreading out and chipping because she was forced to do all of the chewing with them. She had always taken care of others and put everyone before her, but was now ready to care for herself.
She did not want removable dentures, and wanted something that was as close to her natural teeth as possible. Dental implants were the right choice for her. To start, we laid a foundation with gum treatment and removed damaged teeth that could not be saved. We used orthodontics to close the spaces in her teeth and get them into better alignment. The implants were placed and we finalized the restoration with porcelain crowns over the implants. She loves her smile and that she can go to a restaurant and order whatever she wants off the menu and eat without embarrassment.
These are just some of the remarkable transformations we have performed that we want to share with our patients. If you have any questions or would like more information on smile makeovers, please call us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon!