When To Replace Your Toothbrush And Other Oral Health Tips

At Smiles by Holsinger & Higgins, we continuously stress the importance of receiving routine dental care in our office; however, today we want to share the importance of caring for your teeth in your own home. We see many of our patients only two times a year for their routine cleanings, which leaves the majority of their dental care in their hands. We know that sometimes your oral hygiene routine can be a little lax, especially after a long day, but we want to stress the importance of caring for your teeth properly each and every day. It will save you a lot of money in the end when you do not need additional dental care. We are going to share some helpful oral health tips:

2 Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Do you have imperfections in your teeth that you would love to eliminate? If you are unhappy with the appearance of your front teeth, we provide cosmetic dentistry treatments that can make any change you would like to see. In fact, we have two wonderful options that we often recommend to patients. Read on to learn more about these treatments and how they can improve the appearance of your smile.