What Are You Waiting For?
We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe that summer is over. Before you know it, the holidays will be here again, and we will be celebrating the start of another new year. Would you love to improve your smile to enjoy during the upcoming holiday season? If so, now is the perfect time to learn about treatments we offer and how they can change your smile. Depending on your desires, some treatments may take more than one appointment to complete and some healing time may be required. Interested in learning how we can help your smile? Read on to learn more about these treatments.
Improve Your Smile Today!
Would you love to improve your smile before the upcoming holiday season? It’s hard to believe, but the holidays will be here before you know it. If you are interested in improving the appearance of your teeth, there are a number of treatments we offer. Depending on what you want, some of the treatments may require more than one appointment and some healing time. Visiting our office sooner rather than right before the holidays will ensure a beautiful and healthy smile in time for your holiday celebrations.
Treatments We May Recommend
If you are interested in changing the appearance of your smile, we have a variety of cosmetic treatments available. We want to stress that a full mouth makeover is not always needed to bring big changes to your smile. We know that some of our patients are hesitant to express their feelings because they assume we will recommend multiple treatments or an invasive treatment. Sometimes, less is more, and something simple, such as a whitening treatment, is all you need to improve your smile. Teeth whitening not only brightens your teeth, but many patients comment they look younger. We may also recommend treatments such as:
- Porcelain veneers
- Cosmetic dental bonding
- Botox®
- Dermal fillers
Now is the perfect time to learn what treatments we may recommend to improve your smile. Call our office located in Denton, MD today to schedule an appointment. We look forward to improving your smile before the holidays.