Dental Trends To Avoid
With the popularity of social media, it seems that trends are continuously popping up, and people are eager to try them all. Beauty, cooking and home decor trends are always fun to try because, for the most part, if it doesn’t work out, there is no harm caused. The problem with viral trends is when they can negatively impact a person’s health. There have been some trends over the years that offer a promise to improve the appearance of teeth or overall wellness but can cause lasting damage. If you are unhappy with the state of your oral health, we know there can be some intrigue in trying one of the trends you may see. While it might be tempting to give these ideas a try, we are here to tell you that pretty much every trend you see on social media related to dental health is not a good idea. Here are some dental trends to avoid:
At-Home Whitening Ideas
Please avoid any trends that include making a whitening paste at home for your teeth. If you are interested in whitening your teeth, be sure to contact our office to learn about professional whitening. We can create a customized plan that will be safe and effective for your oral health.
Charcoal Toothpaste
Charcoal has become a popular item in face masks and beauty products, with the claim that it removes toxins from the body. Charcoal toothpaste has also been trending at times. Charcoal toothpaste has yet to be proven safe or effective and can cause damage to tooth enamel.
Apple Cider Vinegar Shots
Over the past few years, there has been talk of using apple cider vinegar as a way to assist with weight loss. While we will not address that claim, we will say that apple cider vinegar is extremely damaging to tooth enamel. The acidity of apple cider vinegar will quickly wear away your tooth enamel, leading to severe issues and the need for treatment.
If you are interested in learning if the dental trend you want to try is helpful or harmful to your oral health, please call our office located in Denton, MD. We want what is best for you and your oral health and don’t want you to try something that is going to potentially cause harm to your teeth and gums.