Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Do you notice your gums appear to be bleeding after you brush and floss your teeth? It is more common than you probably realize. Most people likely experience this from time to time. Most of the time, it is nothing to be concerned about. It can happen if something becomes stuck between your teeth and makes the area sore, for example if a kernel becomes lodged after eating popcorn. The problem arises when the gums continue to bleed daily, indicating there is an underlying issue that needs to be corrected. Some possible causes of bleeding gums can include:

Cosmetic Dentistry To The Rescue!

Do you look longingly at people with beautiful teeth and dream you could have their teeth and smile? We are here to tell you that we can help make any change to your smile you would love to see. Thanks to the updates in dental technology over the past few years, we are able to offer a number of cosmetic dental treatments to our patients. The summer is the perfect time to put a plan into action. Some treatments can be completed quickly so you can enjoy the results during the remainder of the summer, while others may take longer with results that will be ready to show off during the upcoming holiday season. Interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry and the treatments we offer? Continue reading to learn more.