Benefit Of Adult Orthodontic Care

Would you love to straighten your teeth but feel that you are too old to start treatment? We are here to tell you that there is no age that we think is too old to improve your smile and your self-confidence. Orthodontic treatment is not the same as you may remember from your youth. The days of bulky traditional metal braces being the only option are long gone. At Smiles by Holsinger and Higgins, we are proud to offer a variety of orthodontic options to our adult patients.

Learn More About This Popular Orthodontic Treatment

Do you find yourself staring enviously at people with straight teeth? Would you love to straighten your teeth but don’t want to put forth the investment in traditional metal braces? If so, you might already be considering an orthodontic alternative to traditional braces such as Invisalign®. This popular treatment plan is adored by adults who are looking to straighten their teeth for the first time and also those who need to make adjustments to teeth that were previously straightened by braces in their younger years. If you are hesitant to begin treatment, continue reading to learn some things you should know before you make your decision.

You Deserve A Great Looking Smile

For some of our patients, there comes a time when they look at their smiles and they aren’t happy with what they see. What once was a small imperfection here, a slight bother there have turned into a series of issues that have really affected the appearance of their teeth. They put off doing anything about it because it wasn’t so bad “back then”, but now it’s something they think about more often, and they wonder if there is anything they can do about it. The good news is, yes, there is something you can do about the appearance of your teeth, and we want you to know you deserve to have a great-looking smile. Read on to find out more.