Medications And Oral Health

At Smiles By Holsinger & Higgins, we not only care about our patients’ oral health but their overall health as well. You may be surprised to learn that your overall health can impact your oral health and the way we need to treat your mouth during your appointments. This is one of the reasons we ask about any changes to your medical history during each visit. Different medical conditions and medications can change the way we have to treat your mouth and may change what we are looking for during your examination. In addition, certain medications can have a negative impact on your teeth and gums.

What Are You Waiting For?

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe that summer is over. Before you know it, the holidays will be here again, and we will be celebrating the start of another new year. Would you love to improve your smile to enjoy during the upcoming holiday season? If so, now is the perfect time to learn about treatments we offer and how they can change your smile. Depending on your desires, some treatments may take more than one appointment to complete and some healing time may be required. Interested in learning how we can help your smile? Read on to learn more about these treatments.